
Working during a field campaign in Alabama (USA) Benvinguts a la meva pāgina web personal, on hi trobareu informaciķ sobre la meva feina.
Welcome to my personal website, where you will find information about my present and past work.

My scientific interests are the interactions between biosphere and atmosphere. Vegetation physiology and atmospheric chemistry interact through the exchange of trace gases that modify the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere and can potentially affect air quality, generate atmospheric particles, and induce cloud formation.
The response of these biosphere-atmosphere interactions to global change phenomena such as drought represent a great uncertainty in our current knowledge of the biosphere-climate feedback mechanisms.
When we add human influence to the atmospheric cocktail, then the research field becomes even more complex.

Both laboratory experiments and field campaigns are the sources of data for my research. Field campaigns have taken me to the skies on board of planes and to Antarctica on board of icebreaker ships. Also to forests in the USA (Missouri, Alabama), the Brazilian Amazônia, South Korea, both sides of the Mediterranean basin (Catalonia and Israel), and tundra sites in Scandinavia (Sweden and Norway), all with different degrees of human influence and diverse levels of water availability. For more urban-centered campaigns, I have studied the atmosphere of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain), Fresno (California, USA) and Seoul (South Korea).

Overview of the locations of my scientific field campaigns